E-Catalog > CEM Microwave > Liberty 2.0 series Peptide synthesizers
Product Information :

- เครื่องมือวิทยาศาสตร์ / สารเคมีและวัสดุภัณฑ์สำหรับห้องปฏิบัติการ
- CEM Microwave
- สินค้า, ผลิตภัณฑ์

Product Detail :

Introducing the Liberty 2.0 series (Liberty™ 2.0, Liberty Blue™ 2.0, and Liberty PRIME™ 2.0) of automated microwave peptide synthesizers. Released in 2022, this new generation of systems builds on the award winning High-Efficiency SPPS (HE-SPPS) methodology and instrumentation previously used with CEM’s best-selling Liberty Blue system.
The Liberty 2.0 Series feature significant advancements in peptide quality, robustness, and overall flexibility compared to the previous generation. A major advancement featured on the Liberty Blue 2.0 and Liberty PRIME 2.0 systems is the use of a new Headspace Flushing technology allowing for the synthesis of longer peptides by ensuring cleaner reaction vessel surfaces. Additionally, engineering improvements to the overall system fluidics and software provide increased robustness and flexibility. Learn more about the exciting updates to the most advanced peptide synthesizer line available.
Dedication to Engineering
Improved Peptide Quality
The Liberty Blue 2.0 and Liberty PRIME 2.0 provide the ability to make even higher purity peptides than previously possible with their respective predecessors. This is based on advances in the system fluidics, reaction vessel environment, and chemistry methodology.
• Optimized chemistry methodology with ProTide resins.
• Cleanest reaction environment with updated headspace flushing technology.
• More direct optimized flow paths.
• Digitally variable N2 control for optimized bubbling, purging, and draining.
Increased Reliability
All Liberty 2.0 level systems feature more direct and cleaner flow paths. The result is a new level of robustness providing higher runtime with less downtime even under high usage conditions.
Ultimate Flexibility
You can do almost anything with the Liberty 2.0 series.
• Access a wide scale range from 5 µmmol – 5 mmol.
• Wider pressure range for accessing viscous green solvents (TamiSolve).
• Automate synthesis of complex steps and more.