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Product Information :

Name :
Automated Liquid Handling Station
Category :
  1. เครื่องมือวิทยาศาสตร์ / สารเคมีและวัสดุภัณฑ์สำหรับห้องปฏิบัติการ
Sub - Category :
  1. เครื่องเตรียมตัวอย่างอัตโนมัติ
Brand :
Model :
AutoPrep 200
Product Type :
  1. สินค้า, ผลิตภัณฑ์
Short Description :
Auto Prep 200 is an automated system which is design to prepare variety of liquid samples in the laboratory.

Product Detail :

Auto Prep 200 is an automated system which is design to prepare variety of liquid samples in the laboratory. The system can finish the operations of transfer, dilution,

constant and addition automatically, which also be used in standard dilution, calibration curve preparation and multi-component standard preparation.


The preparation process strictly follows the method to ensure the consistency and repeatability of each sample.

Smart & Convenient:

Intelligent calculation and batch processing of editing process can effectively avoid the error of human operation and ensure the accuracy of curve.


The unattended preparation process keeps the laboratory personnel away from the harmful organic volitile.

Automatic Calculation & Intelligent Analysis

All calculation of concentration and volume can be completed automatically by inputting the original concentration, required concentration and volume. In case of the dilute fold being too big to be diluted in one time transfer, the instrument can automatically generate middle-concentration standard, thus minimizing the  system error.

Also an alarm and a suggestive solution will be provided if the required dilute command still being unreasonable.

Fast & Easy Method Setting:

Solvent Choose—Parameter Setting—Method Setting—Detect—Save—Run

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