Raman Spectrometry

ID : 117685
Brand : EnSpectr
Model : Raport
Last Update : 30/10/2567 10:18 Preview : 18,180
Bringing qualities of laboratory molecular analysis to the field
ID : 117686
Brand : EnSpectr
Model : EnSpectr R532
Last Update : 10/10/2566 13:21 Preview : 13,283
A unique instrument that combines the advantage of a portable probe system with the performance of a highly specified laboratory instrument.
ID : 117702
Brand : EnSpectr
Model : RamMics M532®
Last Update : 13/11/2567 10:02 Preview : 19,057
RamMics M532® allows distinguishing particles of 2-3 µm size and differentiate them from ones with other chemical and physical properties, which opens multiple research opportunities within one Raman system.
ID : 117816
Brand : EnSpectr
Model : EnSpectr L405®
Last Update : 20/01/2565 10:26 Preview : 11,137
EnSpectr L405® is based on a proprietary technology, developed by Enhanced Spectrometry for demanding measurement tasks in both scientific research and industrial applications.
ID : 117884
Brand : EnSpectr
Model : MIXSplitter®
Last Update : 28/11/2567 08:40 Preview : 12,592
Raman qualitative and quantitative analyzer of powders MIXSplitter® reveals hidden properties of mixed substances, the system automatically scans and identifies mixed substances' compounds.
ID : 117915
Brand : EnSpectr
Model : EnSpectr SERS
Last Update : 05/01/2561 09:19 Preview : 11,475
EnSpectr SERS Substrates enable identification of various chemical compounds in extremely low quantities (up to several molecules) based on the effect of giant Raman resonance